Solution for the RD bulk list error - Calculated default/rebate fee is not matching with actual default/rebate in DOP Finacle

  • Generally in DOP for preparation of agent RD bulk lists we will login to agent login in the India post website and after preparation system will generate the reference number.
  • Agent list can be prepared in 3 modes they are
  1. Through Cash
  2. Through DOP cheque
  3. Through Non DOP cheque.
  • When the RD bulk list is prepared using cash the reference will start with the letter 'C'
  • When the RD bulk list is prepared using DOP Cheque the reference will start with the letter 'DC'
  • When the RD bulk list is prepared using Non DOP Cheque the reference will start with the letter 'NDC'
  • After preparation of RD bulk list agent will submit to the counter PA, Then the counter PA should accept the list and post using the menu HAGTXP.
  • After posting in the counter PA login system will generate the report in HPR. All the users are requested to check the HPR for agent list posting before proceeding for verification.
  • For sometimes system will show the error Calculated default/rebate fee is not matching with actual default/rebate in DOP Finacle in the HPR report.
  • Alternatively we can check the status of the list using the menu HAGTXP and select the functions as Inquire and then check for the failure reason in the field transaction status.
  • The reasons for the above error and the solution is mentioned in the below procedure.
  • The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure

  • From the above screen shot it is clear that system is showing the above error as mentioned while trying to post the agent list using the menu HAGTXP in DOP Finacle.

Root cause of the above problem : - 

  • The above problem will occur when there is mismatch in default fee or rebate which means that agent might prepared before due date and came for posting to post office after due date then there will be mismatch in default fee/rebate.
  • Generally in order to check the due date and pending transactions in the RD account we will use the menu HPLIST in DOP Finacle.
  • For detailed step by step procedure to use HPLIST users can CLICK HERE

Solution for the above Problem :- 

  • For example in our example details of Agent:
Agent ID: MIG0029921
Date: 04-12-14
Reference no: C1693566 for Rs 3939/-
Note: This customer prepared list for November and December month 2014. One list (ref no: C1693714) posted with correct default fee

  • Installment for November (ref no: C1693714) i.e. 22-11-2014 has been paid on 12-12-2014 for which default fee of Rs.5/- has been collected already. User is now trying to pay the installment for December month with default fee where there is no default fee. Hence the specified error is coming at the time of HAGTXP. Please prepare a fresh list for all the specified accounts and proceed for payments.
  • If the list is prepared before due and the respective agent submitted after due date in the counter then the system will throw the above mentioned error.
  • Only solution for this case to prepare fresh list and accept again.

Important Points to Remember :- 

  • Always advise the agents to prepare the lists well in advance before due and also intimate them to submit in counter before due date only in order to avoid the above mentioned problem.
  • If the list is prepared through cheque mode then always advise the agents not to use the same cheque number for multiple lists.
  • Only we should use cheque number for a single lists, if we want for multiple lists then use different cheque numbers.
  • Also if the agent want to include same account number in multiple lists then advise the agent to submit the first list in counter for posting and then advise to prepare second list to include that same account number and so on.
  • In simple after posting the first list only agent should prepare second list and so on if the agent want to include same account number in multiple lists.
