ATM card issues and solutions in DOP Finacle

1.1. Card is not activated

Issue Description: Card is not getting activated.
Solution: For the specified card, if it is personalized, check whether the kit number is entered. As per the functionality kit number should not be entered for personalized cards. Remove the kit number using modify mode in CCMM menu and proceed further. The card will be activated.
If any wrong details have been given, user can use Delete Mode to delete the already existing details and add the correct details again using ADD Mode in CCMM menu.
Check whether the card is in inactive status. If the card is in either Delivered or inactive status then only the card can be activated.

1.2. No SB accounts exists for the specified cif id

Issue Description: When the user is trying to add a cif id or verify, user is getting an error like "No SB accounts exists for the specified cif id"
Solution: If The sol_id with which the user tries to add the ATM card request in CCMM menu is different from the home sol id of that cif id this error occurs.
Please ask the user to add the ATM card request in the home sol id.

1.3. Invalid card number

Issue Description: When the user is trying to modify card details user is getting error as "Invalid Card number"
Solution: If it is a personalized card,this error occurs mostly when the card details are not updated in the YCS database.
Invoke CCMM menu in inquire mode. it shows details of YCS database. If the status is still as REQ in inquire mode. It means the card is not yet activated.
Hence the user is not able to modify the card details. Please download the file in CCDM menu and the card needs to be activated in YCS. Then the user can modify the details in CCMM menu.

1.4. Hotlisting of a particular Card Failed

Issue Description: User is not able to hotlist a card in modify mode. Error message is getting displayed.
Solution: A card can only be hotlisted if it is in active status. If the card is not currently active it cannot be hotlisted.
Hot listing of the card will directly update the status in CMS. In CMS, if the card is not active, then hot listing fails.

1.5. ATM Pin Generation Failed

Issue Description: The ATM PIN is not generated even if the status is changed to ATM PIN Request in modify mode.
Solution: In CCMM menu in modify mode, action should be selected as ATM Pin Request. Later on in CCDM menu, Renewal/Re-issue file needs to downloaded and uploaded in CMS DB. Flow has to be completed.
If the flow is not completed the PIN Generation will fail.

1.6. Not able to Modify Closed Cards

Issue Description: User is not able to modify the Card.

Solution: Invoke CCMM in inquire mode and check for the status of the card.If the current card status is closed, no more modification is allowed for the cards. Only hotlisting can be done for closed cards.
If the status is closed and the user wants to make the card active, please delete the card and add a new card.
Error message is being displayed for the same.

1.7. Account is already attached with a card

Issue Description: Unable to issue ATM card because of the error message Account is already attached with a card.

Solution: For this cif id and foracid, already a new card request may already have been raised. It may be either in verified or non verified state. Hence while raising new card request specified error will occur. Kindly verify the previous card and use it (if the previous card is in unverify state) or delete the card and raise a new card request(if the previous request is no longer needed).

1.8. Error while linking

Issue Description: Unable to link an account to ATM card, showing error as "There is no account exists in this sol id".
Solution: The specified cif id and account number belongs to some other sol. Hence the user is not able to link the card.
Invoke HACLI menu and find the sol id of the account and kindly change the sol id of the account and try again. Please check.

1.9. Invalid account number

Issue Description: While trying to issue card to sb account, "Invalid Account" Error occurs.
Solution: The given SB account does not belongs to the cif id mentioned. Hence the error occurs. Kindly give the correct account number or select account number from searcher. If searcher does not display data then no SB accounts have been opened under that cif Id.Kindly open an account and proceed issuing a card.

1.10.              Invalid kit number

Issue Description: While trying to personalized card, error is thrown as "Invalid kit number".
Solution: The kit number has already been used to raise a new card request for another cif. Hence the same kit number cannot be used, that is why the error is being thrown. Please use a different kit number to raise a new card request.
If the Kit number is not used previously, then raise a request to ATM team.

1.11.              Process of activation of cards

Issue Description: Clarify on the process of Activation of cards.
1. Invoke CCMM menu and raise a new card request and verfiy the same.

2. Invoke CCDM menu and download the New Customer Registration file with sol id and cif verification date as input and download the file and send it to YCS db. The card will be activated


What is procedure to link ATM card to other joint b a/c of same cif?

While linking 2nd account of the same CIF to the same ATM debit card, follow the steps below:

In CCMM Menu use function modify- provide CIF Id , use searcher to select the card and click on Go.

In the next screen, click on Add button, user searcher to select the account id and name will be displayed.
Ensure that the name should not contain any special characters nor it should exceed 21 characters including spaces.

Then select Instant/Personalized in card type (as the case may be)

Select Primary card as "NO" and Action as Link. Then validate the entries.

After doing all the above said activities, please confirm that that Primary Account Flag as "Y" for the already active account
and "N" for the newly linked account with out fail before submitting the same. If not, change the Primary flags correctly by clicking
on the rows before submitting the data.

Verify the same after submitting with the correct details.

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Name in special characters ki error as rehi h solution kya h

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I have same doubt
