Solution for frequent disable of SBCO user IDs at every morning automatically in DOP Finacle

  • MIS report URL login  depends on yesterday login status of the user in Finacle production.
  • If User failed to login in Finacle production consecutively for 7 days, user ID will be disabled automatically .

  • Similarly password will be expired after 15 days , in case  password is not changed .
    These are the security feature enabled in Finacle
  • MIS server DB refresh  is being done on daily basis. Status of user is also getting refreshed in MIS Server based on  Finacle production  data.   If the status of user ID is in disabled / locked / password expired in Finacle Production, the same same will be reflected in MIS server  after MID DB refresh  
  • It is observed that some of the SBCO users are not logged in Finacle production consecutively for  7 days , but trying to login MIS report server.
    As status of user is disabled in production after 7 days, the same is being reflected in MIS due to daily DB refresh activity and hence user unable to login MIS . 
  • For example, today if status of user is disabled in Finacle production,  user ID status  in MIS will  also be changed to disabled after refresh of MIS DB which is being happened during every day night after DC closure.
  • That is why , even though status of user is enabled today  in MIS , the same will  be shown as disabled in MIS after MIS DB refresh  in case the user is disabled in production . 
  • Suppose user is enabled in production today, the same will be automatically reflected in MIS server after tonight DB refresh, without making any changes in MIS server
  • So, please educate the users to login in production at least once in a week  and change password within  15 days so that both Finacle production and MIS login issues may be avoided
