Solution for the SSA deposit error - "Error:This office account can only be inquired from other SOL's" in DOP Finacle
Solution for the SSA deposit error - "Error:This office account can only be inquired from other SOL's" in DOP Finacle
- When we accept the deposit for SSA accounts sometimes we will get the error "Error :This office account can only be inquired from other SOL's" in DOP Finacle.
- This error we in general will face when we are accepting the deposits for inter SOL accounts in DOP Finacle.
- The error screen shot will be appeared as shown in the below figure
- From the above screen shot it is clear that system is showing the above said error.
Root cause of the above problem :-
- The above said error will occur when we accept the SSA deposits of inter SOL accounts and also if that inter sol account is having the defaults then the system will not accept to pay the pending installments in other SOLs other than the HOME SOL.
- To know whether the account is having the default installments or not we can check in DOP Finacle by using the menu TIPM (Transaction Inquiry in Finacle Post Migration ).
- For operating guidance to use the TIPM users can click here
Solution for the above problem :-
- In order to accept the deposits of SSA account in any SOL first clear the pending installments in HOME SOL then the system will allow to deposit the amount anywhere in DOP Finacle application.
Some important Tips for the users :-
- Always check the status of the SSA accounts in HACCDET before accepting the deposits of inter sol accounts.
- If the status is Discontinued for the inter SOL account then advise the customer to deposit in the HOME sol to clear defaulted installments.
- Always be careful while entering the deposits for any scheme in DOP Finacle as the transactions will get posted immediately after creation of transaction by the counter PA.Deletion is not possible for posted transactions.
- By mistake if amount is wrongly fed or fed in wrong account then we have to escalated to SSPO's take the permission and proceed for reversal procedure.
- For operating procedure of reversal of SSA transactions users can click here