Solution for Error while opening the APY account -“NLCC number is not maintained for the SOL” in DOP Finacle

  • When we try to open APY (Atal Pension Yojana account ) sometimes we will face the error - “NLCC number is not maintained for the SOL” in DOP Finacle
  • The error screen shot will be as shown in the below figure.

  • From the above screen shot it is clear that system is showing the attached error as mentioned in the above statement.

Root Cause of the above Problem :- 

  • Actually this is not an issue but a valid error message. If that corresponding SOL is not set up for NLCC this issue will occur.
  • Currently only the sols which are given by NSDL are set up. For rest of the sols this error message will be shown.
  • It is mandatory that every SOL is to map to one NLCC number provided by the NSDL. For a new SOL or SOL for which APY enrollments started. NLCC and SOL Mapping upload is to be performed for all the SOLS using CAPYUP menu.

Solution for the above Problem :- 

  • In order to solve the above that corresponding SOL to be mapped to one NLCC number provided by the NSDL.
  • For a new SOL or for SOL's which are not mapped to NLCC the request should be sent to your corresponding Divisional Office to map the same.
  • After mapping successfully the users can continue to open APY accounts.
  • For detailed operating procedure users can CLICK HERE
