Procedure to find the teller balances greater than zero in DOP Finacle

  • Generally after completion of the entire counter transactions we will submit the cash to treasurer (vault in DOP Finacle terminology) at the end of the day.
  • Before submitting the cash all the users are kindly requested to clear all the transactions in HAFI, HCASHPND to know the actual cash of the teller.
  • In order to know the cash position of a teller we use the HTCPIAE in DOP Finacle
  • HTCPIAE stands for Teller Cash Position Inquiry for an Employee.
  • After viewing the cash position of an employee we should transfer the cash to vault using the menu HTM. 
  • For operating procedure of vault operation users can CLICK HERE
  • As per SB order 05/2016 point 22 and 23 we should daily make the teller balance as zero and the supervisors and a designated person in HO should monitor daily.
  • SB order point number  22 may be read as follows
 "All Supervisors should tally Teller account with each counter PA  with Treasurer's cash book and ensure that Teller account has became as 0 (zero) before proceeding for EOD "

  • SB order point number 23 may be read as follows
"Teller cash account of each Single/Double Handed SO should be checked at HO by a designated PA to ensure that balance has been made as '0'(zero) "

  • In order to find the teller balances greater than zero we generally use the menu HACSP the detailed step by step procedure is given below.

Step by Step Procedure to find the teller balances greater than zero in DOP Finacle :- 

  • Invoke the menu HACSP then the system will show the below screen as shown in the below figure

  • Then in the next step enter the following details
  1. Enter the field SOL/SET ID _______________________________
  2. Enter the field General Ledger Subhead Code as "10002"
  3. Select the field A/c. Balance Type as "D-Debit balance " as mentioned in the below screen shots
  4.  Enter the field include future transactions as "NO" as shown in the below screen

  •  Then finally click on submit then the system will show list of teller accounts which are having the debit balance more than 0 (zero) for the given SOL/SET ID as mentioned in the below screen shot.
  • From the above screen it is clear the system is showing the list of tellers which are having balance more than 0 (zero) for the given SOL/SET ID.

