It is prepared for use in Account Branch. Its strength is 256 Employee.
- You can keep data or calculate arrear for 256 employees at a time.
- Right choice for selecting Option 1 and Option 2 is given.
- You can print out your arrear slip
- you can print 7th cpc general doc to be pasted on service book 1
- You can filter every category. such as"- designation wise, pay band wise, grade pay wise, option 1 wise, option 2 wise.
- situation of your pay in the pay matrix.
- pay fixation in january 1, july 01 is properly elaborated in pay slip.
- Data entry: enter employee , name, pay band, basic pay, grade pay, designation
- Arrear report : show all report month wise
- Pay slip : show report for single report
- Format for service book: useful for pasting the doc in service book.
Thanks to Shri. Anantacharan Sahoo
How can I fix this for UGC approved pay matrix table for teachers