Solution for the RD Closure error-"A Time Stamp error occurred" in dop finacle

  • When we try to close the RD account sometimes we will face the error "A Time Stamp error occurred".
  • The error screen shot will occur as shown in the below figure

  • From the screen it is clear the system is showing the error.

Root Cause of the Above problem

  • The above problem will occur when someone modified the account details and the same was not verified hence the system will show the error mentioned  in the above screen shot.
  • Account modified using the menu CRDACM but not verified hence the error.
  • This can ve inquired using the menu HAFI for reference CLICK HERE

Solution for the Above Problem:- 

  • The Supervisor need to verify the account using the menu CRDACM first to process the previous modification then proceed for account closure.
