Partially posted transactions in DOP Finacle
Partly posted
transaction will be created in the following scenarios as mentioned below
(1) If Teller
has no cash while doing withdrawal / closure transaction
(2) If account
involved in the transaction has no sufficient fund
(3) Selecting
incorrect office account which funding
(4) Using HTV ,
instead of using relevant product menus
(5) Doing
transactions with irrelevant or incorrect menus ( as a result of which scheme
validation fails)
(6) Not using
validate button and doing postings , bulk postings
(7) Without
clearing validations in Inward clearing zone, and posting in HMICZ
Please note that
transactions for which all records ( Both debit and credit legs) are in
entered state then only transaction can be deleted. If any transaction is
associated with other transaction ( Like closure interest transactions) , those
transactions should not be deleted.
If any transaction
is in partly posted, it should be POSTED at any cost and thenonly should
be verified