Procedure to take the customer balance printing in DOP Finacle

  • In order to generate the customer balance report in Finacle we have a special menu which is useful for generation of customer balances.
  • The menu option user for generation of customer balances is HCUSBALP.
  • This menu is useful for inspection purpose for generation of customer balances and verification
  • Invoke the menu HCUSBALP then the system will show the below screen as shown

  • In the next step enter the following details as mentioned below
  1. Enter the field From CIF ID _______________
  2. Enter the field To CIF ID  __________________
  3. Enter the field From A/c Id _____________________
  4. Enter the field To A/c Id  _______________
  5. Enter the Field As of Date ______________________ as shown in the below figure

  • After entering all the above said fields finally click on submit then the system will generate the report in  background.
  • Invoke the menu HPR and view the report. The report will be as shown in the below figure


  • From the screen shot it is clear that system is showing the as on balance and complete address of the customer.
