- When we enter the cheques in the outward zone we have the option to find the part transaction inquiry in Finacle.
- The menu option used for this purpose is HOPQ
What is mean by Outward clearing part transaction inquiry ?
- This option is useful to find whether the instrments for a particular outwatd zone date are Entered/Regularized/Partly Regularized/Pending/Release to Shadow balance.
- For Example if we want to know the total number of insturments entered in the outward zone then we can use this menu by selecting the Instrument status as "Entered only" which means that instruments are entered for a particular zone date.
- This option is very handy for outward clearing purpose to trace the status of the instruments entered in the outward zone.
HOPQ means Outward Clearing Part Transaction Inquiry
- The operating procedure in DOP Finacle is mentioned below in a step by step process.
- Invoke the menu HOPQ then the system will display the following screen as shown in the below screen
- In the above enter the following details as mentioned below
- Enter the field Outward Clearing Zone code____________________________
- Enter the field Outward Clearing Zone date____________________________
- Select the instrument status from the list of option as mentioned in the below screen
Then click on GO then the system will show the list of instruments entered which are yet to be regularized as shown in the below screen
- This menu also has the option to filer the regularized/partly regularized/pending/Release to Shadow balance instruments based on the requiremt of the user.
out clearing at ho . after lodging of instrument at so homso menu how to send the file path by e mail. plz tel the solutions