Inventory menus in DOP Finacle
What is an Inventory?
- The word "Inventory" means one of the most important assets or valuables that most businesses possess.
- Here in DOP the important assets means cheques,certificates(i..e, NSC or KVP in DOP) etc.,
- Inventory will be maintained generally in a safe custody(i.e., in Treasury or in Postmaster custody)
- Inventory movement in DOP Finacle will be done by using the menu HIMC for detailed procedure click here.
- Some of the important inventory menus generally we use in DOP Fiancle are mentioned below which are very handy in inventory operations they are menitoned below
- HISRA ( Inventory Status Report of any Employee or different location)
- HISR ( Inventory Status Report at that Employee or same location )
- HIMR ( Inventory movement report )
- HIMI ( Inventory movement inquiry )
- HIIA ( Inventory inquiry All )
HISRA Inventory Status Report
- This menu is used to view the inventory status of any employee or location which is very useful menu for inquiring the inventory position for supervisors.
- The operating procedure of this menu is explained below in step by step manner i..e, invoke the menu HISRA then the system will show th following below mentioned screen
- This menu is to be invoked individually for each denomination.
we can edit the location code and select the user location code by selecting from the searcher as shown
Then selet the particular location code ( employee code ) from the list of users as shown
Then click on submit and view the report in HPR as shown.
HISR means Inventory Status Report -EM
- Thie menu is used to view the status of the inventory position of that particular employee only or same location.
- This menu is used to view the inventory status report of the same location or same user in which the user logged in.
- This menu is to be invoked individually for each denomination.
- Invoke the menu HISR then the system will display the screen as shown
Then clik on the searcher and select the inventory type from the list as shown
Then clcik on Submit and view the report in HPR.
HIMR means Inventory Movement Report
- This menu is used to view the inventory movement report i.e, movement of inventory from one location to another location from a particular period.
- This is a very hand menu to know how much we have transferred from supervisor to counter and from DL to supervisor etc.
- This menu is to be invoked individually for each denomination.
- Invoke the menu HIMR then the system will display the screen as shown
Then eneter the followin details
- Enter the From Transaction Date ____________
- Select the Inventory class/type ___________________
- Select the from location class/code ___________________
- Select the To lacation class/code ________________ as shown in the below figure
Then click on Submit and view the report in HPR as shown.
HIMI Inventory Movement Inquiry
- This menu is used to inquire the inventory movement between two locations where as in order to view the report and take print use HIMR as mentioned above.
- This is only inquiry menu we can't take the print for this menu.
- This menu is to be invoked individually for each denomination.
- Invoke the menu HIMI and enter the following details
- Enter the Start Date ____________
- Select the Inventory class/type ___________________
- Select the from location class/code ___________________
- Select the To lacation class/code ________________ as shown in the below figure
Then click on Go then the system will show the movement between the given locations as shown
HIIA means Inventory Inquiry All
- This menu is inquiry the total inventory available at a particular location i..e, the system will display all the denominations
- The report can be viewed in same source location as well as different location i.e., we can view the report for any employee of that particular SOL.
- Invoke the menu HIIA then the system will display the screen as shown
Then click on the searcher and select the employee code you are trying to view the report and click on Go then the system will display the total inventory available at that user as shown in the below figure
please intimate command in finacle to check the account no. issued to inventory i.e. if NSC/KVP serial no. is available only and to trace the account no. of that certificate (issued in finacle)
there is a SB account and the holder is Minor but now he attains majority so i have taken all fresh documets from him and when i try to Modify CIF from CMRC menu i am unable to modify any field.Please give the solution for it.