Error while modifying the expiry date of agent in DOP Finacle
- When we try to modify the expiry date of agent in the menu HDSAMM then the system will throw the error as mentined in the below figure.
The system will display the error "Unverified accounts exists for this direct selling agent" as mentioned in the above figure.
Root cause of the problem
- When any account opneing through that particular agent is not verified then the system will not allow to modify the agent details i.e, license expiry date of that agent.
- Note that when any account is opened through agent then immediately verification of account creation shuld be done.
Solution for the above problem.
- For the above problem we have to find out the pending unauthorised accounts linked to that particular agent by using the below mentioned procedure.
- Invoke the menu HDSAMM and then slect the function as "Modify" and enter the agent DSA ID as shown in the below figure.
Then click on Go then the system will show the General details in that screen click on the tab "Inquires" as shown in the figure
Then the system will display the screen as shown in the below figure.
Then select the option "Related accounts inquiry" as shown in the above figure then the system will display the below screen as mentioned
Then in this screen select the option verify as "No" as mentioned in the below figure
Then click on Go then the system will display the list of unverified accounts for the particular agent which we are trying to modify as shown in the below figure
Verification of Unverified accounts
- Invoke the menu HOAACVTD select the function as Verify and enter the account number then click on Go then the system will display the number of tabs one should visit all the tabs and finally submit.
- After verifiaction of pending accounts then finally do the modification using HDSAMM i.e., change the license expiry date the sytem will work smoothly.
The date of expiry of DSA agent entered in SP module as 22/09/2015 erroneously. After migration it expires on 22/09/15 and seen on 23/09/15. No account has been opened. Please tell us how to modify the date as 29/06/2017.