To find the Teller Transaction Report in Detail

To find the Teller Transaction Report in Detail:-

HSCWRPT:-Stands for Shroff Cash Report.

  • This menu is used to find the detailed transactions done by a teller on a particular day.
  • This menu is used to view the both the total receipts and total payments done a particular teller on a particular day.
  • Invoke the menu HSCWRPT then the system will display as shown

Then the system will ask to enter the following details.
  1. Select the Print transaction payment\receipt details __________
  2. Enter the Entered Employee ID ___________
  3. Enter the Posted Employee ID _____________

Then click on submit then a batch program will be generated as shown.

  • In Finacle after batch generation in order to view the report we have invoke separate command i.e., HPR then click on Go then the system will list you a list of reports generated from that select the schroff cash report as shown

  • Then click on print screen and view the report as shown

  • By using the said menu the teller can view the reports only receipts reports and payments reports separately to view the reports in detail.
