Posting of Pension\Salary in Finacle using HTTUM
HTTUM is used for bulk posting of pension\salary in finacle invoke HTTUM from system administrator login and select trial before posting the transactions.Select the fields as follows
- Transaction Sub type as "Transfer-Bank induced"
- Action as "trial"
- File location path as "Local file path"
Select the file path as follows stored in the local disk
Click on go a batch program will be executed check the reports in HPR
The report will be as shown "validation successful" as shown
After successfully performing the trial operation go for posting i.e,
- Transaction Sub type as "Transfer-Bank induced"
- Action as "action"
- File location path as "Local file path"
Repeat the same process as mentioned a batch program will be generated go to HPR and view the report.
Then when we open the report we get a message "File uploaded successfully" and transaction id (system generated) note down the id and print the report in HFINRPT report slno 49 and give transaction id,date and solid as follows
Then view the report and take the printout of the same.