General Error while closing the SB account

General error while closing the SB account.

Kindly find the below error screen generally we face in real scenario when we try to close the SB account

The system will not display the details of the error details so before closing any SB account delete the dependent account(automatic accounts going to their respective account modification and delete the interest credit account for SCSS,TD and MIS accounts) after this modification and verification only proceed for SB account closure even if you face the same error then their will be back end procedure i.e., the menu is HTDBATCH which will be executed by DOP IT team Chennai.After this bacth is executed SB closure will take place smoothly.

                        So make a habit to delete the dependent accounts for SB account before closing any SB account even if the customer is in urgent make the account as '0' until the batch program executed by the DOP IT team. 


Dependent MIS account is already closed without deleting the auto credit entry in sb account. Now SB account cannot be able to close it showing dependent account entry. We cannot able to modify the mis account as it is already closed. Please give solution to close sb account.

